Haute couture iphone

This morning we had a midterm critique for our Couture Craftmanship class project “Sensations” which will be sent in to the lace contest La fédération de la Dentelle et de la Broderie arranges next year. I had two ideas and one of them was a haute couture iphone cover and I wanted to show it to you.



Inspiration pictures from Alexander McQueen Couture collection Fall 2013
Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneThe theme was “Sensations”, which can be interpreted as the five senses and the reactions we have from them. I thought about our everyday life and that a lot of our sensations and impressions come from the smartphone and what happens on the screen.

Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneI wanted to make a packaging for the iphone more beautiful and saw a gap in the couturiers collections. They do fantastic creations in clothes and bags but I haven’t found a couturier phone. Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneIn this class we’ve done a lot of experiments with lace and foil, resin and silicone finishes which is very interesting.Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneIt may look tiny but many many hours goes into a small embroidery like this. BUT! This couture iphone idea was actually not very much liked by the jury. Sometimes a good idea isn’t good enough. So I will continue with my other idea of the music and I will show you the results when the project is due. It’s a hard knock life in the fashion industry 😉

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