16 november, 2015Inga kommentarer

Monday pepp and tips links

Trying to go back to normal today after this weekend. PCA is open again so it's back to class for me, will be good to see classmates again. And there has never been a Monday more in need of some pepp and som happy links I believe. So here we go!

Louis Vuitton City guides

Louis Vuitton released their famous city guides on itunes as well, 1/3 of the price comparing to the real ones. AND the one about Paris is free! So let's keep on dreaming about Paris and planning that trip here and download the app in itunes now.

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Leave your mark

A book tip for the social media crazy ones (like me), Alizia Licht, former DKNY PR Girl, who created an online persona to sell the DKNY brand spills her tips and secrets to leave your mark, land your dream job and rock social media.


Drivet podcast with Nina Åkestam

Drivet is a new Swedish podcast that focuses on women in their careers. Nina Åkestam, a researcher with in advertising, was recently a guest of theirs and she talks a lot about being young and female in a male dominated industry and about her burn out and book "Meningen med hela skiten".

A last thought

letthe_monsters_see_you_smileThe best revenge on anything is really to be happy. So get out there and show that grin to the world! (And if you're not feeling happy, you can always check out this pinterest board with fluffy animals before you head out. Works like a charm.) Have a nice Monday!


13 april, 20152 Comments

Monday motivational quote

Came home late last night from our weekend in London filled with shopping, eating and inspiration. We were very happy with our time there and how well everything turned out. The food was great, the hotel was great and the weather was great-ER. Happy days.

Then I went to bed and started catching up with Twitter. Read horrific testimonials from the Garissa massacre. Read about sexual child abuse which made me want to puke. And so on, and so forth. And started slipping in to that "the world is an awful place" deep black hole. As a natural consequence I started feeling guilty about my blissful weekend and all the privilege I have as a white woman in a secular and educated country. And it is of course important  to remember how lucky you are. But also important to not stay in that depressing hole (I could be there for days) and actually put my strength into what I can affect. I will unfortunately not be able to join the Médecins sans frontières or the Red cross, I really don't have a heart that would stand all that pain included in such jobs. But I can lift people up with inspiration. When the day to day life is a little too heavy, one can always dream about a little glamour. Or get an injection of fashion or beauty that could be totally mundane but works as a distracter from all the pain, violence and death. Or be a reaction to and against it. And I hope that my quest to remind the fashion industry to form fashion into something more humane will actually do some good. So today's Monday motivational quote is an extension of this. nicepeople


Let's increase the number of nice people in this world, shall we.


30 mars, 2015Inga kommentarer

Monday motivational

thedifferenceDagens peppande tanke. Nu kör vi!


16 mars, 2015Inga kommentarer

Strive for progress


Veckans mantra. Jag har jäkligt lätt för att ila iväg i ambitionsnivå på saker jag gör, och ibland när jag åstadkommer något som egentligen är okej (eller till och med bra) kan de negativa tankarna sätta igång. Egentligen borde man vara nöjd bara man kommer framåt. Därför ska jag försöka sträva efter att göra framsteg (hur små de än månde vara) istället för perfektion. Hepp!

What's up this week då?

Jag ska packa ihop mina pinaler då flyttlasset går i helgen. I morgon ska det lunchas med gamla kollegor från Lindex. Och ansökningar till skolor i höst skickas in. Jag fick göra en tvärvändning där för några dagar sen, det visade sig att två franska skolor jag tänkt söka har en övre åldersgräns. Hur löjligt är inte det? Så nu blir det alla slantar in på de internationella skolorna istället. Håll gärna en tumme eller två!