13 september, 2016Inga kommentarer

Spotting trends: Marie Antoinette

Ikväll tänkte jag ta er med på hur det kan gå till när man skapar en kollektion och spanar trender. Men först måste jag ta er tillbaka lite i tiden. Förra hösten fick jag i kursen Concept collection development uppdraget att skapa en kollektion för säsongen FW16/17  (alltså nu) utifrån egen trendspaning. Jag skulle samtidigt ta fram riktlinjer för ett eget märke. Jag grävde där jag stod och baserade mitt märke på krocken mellan den franska, feminina estetiken och den svenska avskalade - en dag framöver hoppas jag kunna avslöja lite mer om mitt märke men än så länge är det mest en idé som ligger och ruvar där uppe bland tankemolnen. Men ni är med på basen!

När jag så skulle välja temat för min kollektion gick jag igenom influenser jag fastnat för det senaste. Jag hade just varit på Versailles och förundrats över den tidens galenskap och överdåd och blivit inspirerad till att se Sofia Coppolas Marie Antoinette. Ni vet hur det är, när man väl en gång lagt märke till någonting ser man det överallt; Chloé fotade sin höstkollektion på Versailles, ryska Vogue gjorde en lyxrosa editorial på tema sensuell överklassbrutta och Dior filmade sin video med Rihanna i spegelsalen. "SMACK!" sa det i huvudet när idén satte sig. Jag skulle kombinera Marie Antoinetteskt överdåd med svensk minimalism och kom att kalla denna saga och storyn runt The Empress' New Clothes (alla kollektioner jag skapar har ett sagotema).

Så kan det gå till när en kollektion skapas. Och under sommaren har jag fått flera Marie Antoinettska vibbar från tidningshåll, i july gjorde Vogue en editorial i nyrenoverade Ritz och här om dagen släppte CR Fashion book temat för Septembernumret: Marie Antoinette. Superintressant att läsa vad Carine säger själv om den mytomspunna damen ifråga:

I wanted to show that she is not just a villain to be despised or a muse to be channeled," says Carine. "She is neither, actually. She is a prototype for contemporary fame, body, beauty, celebrity, and femininity. Everything done by her and to her has influenced society’s concept of womanhood, for better or worse." Looking at the life and times of Marie Antoinette, we begin to see parallels between her and the female celebrities of today. Who besides our modern pop stars are followed with more obsession and desire? Rihanna is beloved while Marie Antoinette was not, but she shares with the Queen an unapologetic attitude that inspires and fascinates. She says what she wants, smokes what she wants, and wears what she wants, making her an icon of authenticity in an era of calculated, pre-baked fame.


Jag tror minsann jag måste slå till på ett nummer av CR fashion book! Vad tycker ni?

Translation: Spotting trends is something I do intuitively, and last year I based a collection on Marie Antoinette. And this year I've seen Vogue and CR fashion book do the same. 

20 november, 2015Inga kommentarer

Friyay jump of joy

It's Friday! After a rather tense week here in Paris I'm taking the weekend off, leaving for Luxemburg tonight after my draping class to spend it with Oscar. We're gonna practice the art of chilling and do everyday stuff that you seldom get to do in a long distance relationship. Can't wait to grocery shop and watch tv and drink tea on the sofa haha!

Because tgif I saw it befitting to put up one happy picture from when me and Megan went to Versailles. Try jumping around in leaves without laughing - it's impossible!Autumn leaf jump

Friends & Curry takeoutAnd this makes me happy too, curry take out with my PCA peeps yesterday. Megan's taking the photo. Wishing you a truly happy Friday!!!

1 november, 2015Inga kommentarer

Visiting Versailles

Adventure post time! After spending practically all of my time in the studio at PCA the past weeks I was thirsty for some French culture and a feast for the eyes. So this past Thursday me and my friend Megan went out to the royal castle Versailles that lies approximately 45 min southwest of Paris. I don't think there is anything more French, or feastful, for that matter. I had never been there before and was of course blown away by the extravagance and lavishness. It is hard coming home from there without being incredibly inspired, and I took so many pictures my memory card got full and the camera thought it was sleepy time. Here are some of the pics from the interior of the castle.

gates_versallesIt took a few hundred years to build it and the many Louis kings all chipped in (Louis XIV the most) and they apparently liked the gold. versailles_courtyard_gold  Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe castle's very own chapel. Versailles, Hall of MirrorsMe in front of the doors. See how huge they are? Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe king's chamber. Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe Hall of mirrors. I want to go to a ball here, can I pretty please? Versailles, Hall of MirrorsImagine what this chandelier has seen... Versailles interiorThe Queen's bedroom. Versailles interiorI bet this took a few years to finish. Versailles interiorThe gallery. VersaillesVersaillesThe magnificent garden, in fall colors.

You can see more of the pictures on my Flickr account here.

As you can understand a lot of the fashion houses and designers have been inspired by this environment. I hope you haven't missed Dior's latest campaign shot at Versailles with no one less than Rihanna as leading lady. With that last dose of OTT glamour I'm wishing you a nice Sunday evening!

14 september, 2015Inga kommentarer


Hello Monday! Slept pretty much like a baby this night which was well needed. I have had trouble of falling asleep, probably because of stress and new surroundings. Can't really get used to hearing everything my neighbor does (including singing opera, loud and for many hours). Guess that's part of life in Paris 🙂

So Mondays usually mean måndagspepp or Monday motivation. Here are a few links to things I recently discovered which hopefully you will like too and make your Monday a little nicer!

Laurel went to Versailles.

One of my classmates at PCA is Laurel Symone, a super talented fashion design student from Arizona. She does AMAZING dresses, put them on AMAZING models and works with AMAZING photographers. She just visited Versailles and took pics of the... yes amazing decor. You find her blog here, make sure to check out her work.

laurel_versailles_2 laurel_versailles

Podcast: Susanne Ljung interviews Kim Hastreiter of Paper Mag.

During this summer Swedish radio show Stil i P1 did a different version of programmes with interviews of big fashion stars like Acne's Creative director Johnny Johansson and H&M's Margareta van den Bosch. The interviews were although in Swedish but I really recommend them to Swedes. She also did a few in English, with Kim Hastreiter, Rob Halford, Suzy Menkes and Kanye West. I have listened to Kim's and Suzy's and I love them both. Extraordinary women being super inspirational. Find them here!

Book - Diane Von Furstenberg - The Woman I wanted to be.

I have been wanting to read this since one of my former colleagues at Gina Tricot put up a pic of her summer reading on instagram, deeply praising this book. So now, when I finally have my name on the door, I am ordering it from ebay. I worked with her clothes during the summer and I find her work very inspiring. A true businesswoman with a strong joie de vivre. Will come back with a review!


An app called Soon.

I got a tip on Facebook to download the app Soon (remember your future), a place where you can store all the things you want to do/read/see. I love the interface, so much nicer than just writing long lists in notes (which I do, a lot). The developers are from Stockholm and I think it's fairly new because some kinks are still needed to be worked out, but I just love the idea. You can also get new input by checking what's trending and you're supposed to be able to link it to your Facebook (which doesn't work for me, yet).



As always, I'm ending with a furry creature that melts my heart. Have a nice(r) Monday!
