A night at The Hotel Bachaumont Paris

Weekend is here! What better way to celebrate weekend than writing a lil about last weekend? And our luxurious hotel stay at Hotel Bachaumont, a new and hip hotel here in Paris. I say hip because favorite blogger Camille over the rainbow hangs here. Camille is one of those girls that has that je ne sais quoi and partially probably because she is Parisian from the beginning. So, if a real Parisienne vouched for this hotel we were confident it would be a lovely stay.
Hotel Bauchaumont Paris


Hotel Bauchaumont ParisThe interior is art deco updated and the hotel reception is lined with book shelves in mirror glass and marble. A coffee table book nerd like me got a lil crazy when I saw all these b-e-a-utiful books. Come to mama.

Hotel Bauchaumont Paris


Hotel Bauchaumont Paris


Hotel Bauchaumont ParisAnother voucher for the hipness of this hotel was the hotel bar and restaurant, buzzing with trendy people and serving nice cocktails and beers. I do really love hotel bars.

Hotel Bauchaumont ParisWe had a room with windows facing the street which was a little downer. Someone kept whistling for the dog at 7 am on a Sunday morning haha.

Hotel Bauchaumont Paris


Hotel Bauchaumont ParisGrayish greens, marble and brass decor, no faults in the interior here. Even candle holders from Swedish Skultuna, this hotel is certainly dans l’air du temps!

Hotel Bauchaumont ParisThe hotel restaurant has a brunch on Sundays for 30€, we were very much tempted to try it but saved it for some other time. Thanks for a nice stay Hotel Bachaumont Paris!

3 svar på ”A night at The Hotel Bachaumont Paris

    1. Sandra Inläggsförfattare

      Oops, jumping to conclusions here! Sorry about that, will update the text asap. Maybe you should be paid tho, told the staff I heard about it from you 😉 have a nice day!


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