Bea Åkerlund, the world’s best stylist

Got a really nice tip from Sarah yesterday, Swedish tv show Kobra showed an episode about celebrity stylist and costume designer Bea Åkerlund (married to video director Jonas Åkerlund) who has styled some of the most trend setting videos for Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Beyoncé. Bea truly is an artist and talks about why clothes can be a weapon. It’s really good, if you know Swedish you should see it! It’s only about 15 minutes long, and while you are at it you can watch the the rest of the episode too. It is about Hoyte Van Hoytema (the man behind the camera of Interstellar, Her and the new Bondmovie). Click on the picture to get to Svtplay.

Bea Åkerlund Kobra

I am really curious about Madonna’s next video for Ghosttown which Bea preps for in the program, saw that Madonna even dyed her eyebrows the way Bea does and it is said that Ghosttown really is important for the Rebel heart record – as in will it be a hit or a total flop-important. Bea’s style has been dominant the last couple of years and when I saw Laleh’s new video for her song Colors I thought it looked very Lady Gaga. But it would be more suiting to say it looked very Bea Åkerlund, since she had done the costumes for that video too. Bow down to the star behind the stars, Mrs Bea Åkerlund.

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