Breakfast in Paris – Bob’s juicebar

This week’s breakfast in Paris post is about a charming little place just a few steps away from Holybelly called Bob’s Juicebar. I wanted to show Oscar Holybelly but the line was too long so we ended up at Bob’s which was a very happy turn of events.Breakfast in ParisBreakfast in Paris

Behind the counter stood an American man (Bob?) serving delicious shakes and bagels. We tried a blueberry/raspberry/banana shake and the avocado bagel. It was fantastic.
Breakfast in ParisBreakfast in Paris

Breakfast in Paris

Mmm. It looks simple but it was so good, home made, freshly baked and boiled bagels with avocado and a little lemon juice on top. Yum!!! You have to go there if you stay close to Republique. And make sure you order the avo bagel. It was Bob’s favorite too 😉 

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