Breakfast in Paris – Claus Paris

Time for the yummiest day of the week – Breakfast in Paris is here! This time we tried out Claus Paris – La table du petite déjeuner, a place that has gotten tons of praise for its brunch. They can actually boast with both a café and a store – just across the road (L’epicerie) where you can buy all the breakfasty ingredients needed. Smart huh!

Breakfast in ParisClaus has different set menus, perfect for brunch. But we usually take a few things from the assorted menu. So we decided to tried out the different granolas, and as you can see my granola is a little bit different from the others… WHAT. When I first saw this I thought I’d cry, but luckily it does not taste like porridge (I hate porridge). I suppose it’s some kind of speciality that the owner brought in from his home state Bavaria. I don’t know, but I do really think this should be specified on the menu.

Breakfast in ParisI also tasted the cinnamon brioche, and although it was good it really has nothing on the Swedish cinnamon bun. So a liiiiittle disappointed on this breakkie, probably because of really high hopes. The detox juice was superb however. Breakfast in ParisThe interior was cozy and airy and we could enjoy the breakfast in a calm atmosphere.
Breakfast in Paris
Breakfast in Paris

Breakfast in ParisSome floor love here too!

Breakfast in ParisWhen we left the place got a little more crowded. A tip is coming early (Paris early…) around 8.30 to be able to choose any table. Have you been here? Any thoughts? 🙂

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