Breakfast in Paris – Holybelly

Thursday and another breakfast in Paris post is due! Today me and Andrea tried out Holybelly, a café near Republique that Andrea had on the breakfast list. I recognized the name from reading about it a while ago too and we had high hopes. It sure looked cozy from the outside and we were hungry like wolves.

Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyThe café opens at 9.00 and closes around 15, so this is a perfect breakfast spot. We were almost the first ones there and could choose any table. The menu was very mouthwatering. We ordered apple juice to drink and pancakes with fresh fruit, cream and syrup to eat.

Breakfast in Paris - Holybelly
Breakfast in Paris - Holybelly OMG, it looks soo good! It tasted soo good as well.
Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyBreakfast in Paris - HolybellyTwo very happy campers, about to dig in on the pancakes.Breakfast in Paris - HolybellySome floor love.
Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyThe interior was bright and warm, I liked the floor feeling in the ceiling. And when we left the place it was very buzy as you can see, so I recommend coming early. I am definitely coming back again, have to try the bacon – they looked very yummy too!

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