First day at Paris College of Art

First day of class at Paris college of art went by soooo fast.

Haha, insåg just att jag skrev på engelska. Denna treenighet av språk min hjärna hanterar just nu, det blir ibland kortslutning. Jag kan ha två språk i huvudet samtidigt, men ett tredje blir lite trångt. Jag kommer att gå tillbaka till att skriva på engelska (som jag gjort innan i bloggen) för att hålla uppe det i och med att skolan är på engelska. Så liten parantes, men nu fortsätter blogginlägget!

A small explanation of why I’m writing my blog posts in English again 🙂 since school is all in English I do need to practice writing it as much as I can. Anyways, as I said: first day of school was intense and high paced. I started this morning with digital fashion studio, a very interesting course were I have a lot of experience but the briefs (the description of the assignment) were easy to adapt to your own level. The first brief was to design prints for SS16 for a fashion house. I chose Preen by Thornton Bregazzi because I love their prints and I think I have a clear vision of what they would do print wise. It’s a little bit of trying to predict the future since they will show their SS16 show very soon, in London in a few weeks time. I will show you my mood board next week. The course is very fast forward, we have three major projects before christmas (among them is also designing a purse and a secret project).

And after that course which fueled the imagination a lot we had Collection concepts development with a woman namned Rosemary that has worked as a creative director for Dior amongst others. (The experiences our tutors have!! Mindblowing.) In this course we are taught how to build collections, which I also have some experience in but not like this. Not for myself. The theme is Tradition vs High tech and again the mind started spinning. I have a few ideas which might melt into one, we’ll see. I’ll show you my mood boards for this one next week too.

I love making mood boards, which I think will be a plus in this school 🙂 here’s one I had in my old apartment.

Foto 2015-01-18 13 12 17Tomorrow I have a super long day in school. It starts at 10.30 with Couture craftsmanship  (very exciting), then Fashion drawing by hand after lunch (also super exciting, but a bit intimidating since I am crap at it) and then Introduction to accessories design until 21.30. So in school for almost 12h on Tuesdays, that will be tough. But fun, I have maxed my credits deliberately to juice out as much as I can from the money I put in. Some parts of the education is funded by CSN and fortunately I get a loan to cover it all but I want to make sure I make the most of it. So pumped! I’ll try to update the blog on how the school goes once a week at least, in between my oh-I-love-Paris and fashion posts. A bientôt!


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