#ootd – My black Cocoon pile jacket

It’s getting colder in Paris and it’s necessary to put on the cozy scarf and a thicker coat. I don’t mind, last year I found this black cocoon pile jacket at H&M and it’s soo warm. It’s still one of my favorites. ootd November 2015I brought around 5 different winter scarfs to Paris (you can never have enough! Still on the look out for a grey melange one) and I love matching this pink one with grey and cognac.
ootd November 2015The flared pants with crease line on them are super comfy as well since they’re not actually woven but a thick jersey. They look kinda business but feel like a sweatpants – win! From H&M too of course, I could be sponsored by them haha.ootd November 2015I’ve seen a similar pile jacket in beige available at H&M this year. Kinda want that one too.

White, black, grey and a lil splash of pink and cognac was how I rolled around yesterday. What’s your favorite fall combination?

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