Paris city snapshots

Since I had my love here this weekend I seized the opportunity to see a little more of the city I have now lived in for more than two months. It’s somehow easier to be a tourist when you have visitors cus then you really have to say no to spending time in the studio at PCA instead. Sad but true 😉 And when you do spend time out on the streets in this city you cannot help but take a hundred of photos of all the fantastic architecture and decor. Parisians know how to do it!

So here’s a couple of snapshots from the weekend.
Paris SnapshotsWe walked around for a couple of hours in the up and coming area around Canal Saint-Martin in the 10th arr. It has a lot of lovely cafés, small restos and boutiques.
Paris SnapshotsIt also has a lot of murals in all kinds of colors.
Paris Snapshots

Paris SnapshotsWe also checked out one of the many markets in town, Maché Couvert Saint-Quentin (a market hall near Gare du Nord.) Found these lovely flowers, for a very good price too. Could just imagine myself buying a lot of them for a lovely French home. Just missing the lovely French home haha!   Paris SnapshotsCute kitty in a resto window. Paris Snapshots Aah the balconies here! Paris Snapshots

Paris SnapshotsAnd the architecture… A golden statue of Joan of Arc just by Hotel Regina at Rue de Rivoli.

Paris SnapshotsThe Tuileries garden is beautiful in fall too. Paris SnapshotsWe also ate nice hamburgers, had a few drinks at The Experimental Cocktail club and stayed at the very lovely Hotel Bauchaumont, but I’ll save that for a later post. Bon soirée!  

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