The last couple of weeks have been a little stressful here in la ville de la lumière. I had hoped it would calm down after midterms were over, but somehow it’s hard to relax and go back to normal levels after a longer period of stress hormones and dysfunctional workload. It all kind of culminated this Wednesday when I, superstressed, on my way to school discovered I had forgotten to secure the lid on my take away tea mug and half of it had leaked out all over the contents of my bag – including my light pink cashmir skirt project. Catastrophe, to say the least.
Let’s say the rest of that day did not go as planned, but it was ended with the feelgood movie “The intern” with Andra and Fred at least. And then I made sure to have an evening of me-time, alone and in front of Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette.
I also got a very suiting destress kit from my friend Jennifer, with the loveliest chocolate from San Francisco and a delightful green tea from the French institution Mariage Fréres. I really want to recommend having me-time evenings to destress, I can’t believe I forgot how good it is to stay in a night and ONLY doing stuff for yourself and not anyones else. I will definitely do that again.
Hope you’ll have a destressing weekend!
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