Monday pepp & tips links

Hello Monday! As we head in to the last week of November it might be a little harder to get up in the morning and everyday life might be a little grey. But fear not! I’ve rounded up some tips links and Monday pepp to make the November blues bearable (before Christmas prep is officially allowed!).

DIY ideas for the coziest bedroom ever

Apartment therapy rounded up the best DIY tips to make your bedroom supercozy now when the winter is around the corner. Like this tutorial on how to knit a blanket from Stylecookie. Lush!


6 scientifically proven ways to a better day

Upworthy collected 6 tips on how to improve your day, and they’re scientifically proven. Can it get more perfect for a Monday?


Ikea hackers bar cart DIY

A neat and beautifully decorated home does a lot for your feeling of zen (at least for me). I saw this quite lovely bar cart from Ikea hackers (yep, you can spend a lot of time on their website, just a kind warning). Getting a little creative helps you relax too!


Behind the scenes with Fashionary

Last but not least, an inspiring story about the man behind Fashionary, the must have sketch book for designers and buyers in the fashion industry. I’ve written about Fashionary’s all perks before if you want a catch up on this favorite of mine. This is how illustrator Connie Lim uses hers, beautiful!



Hope you’ll have a better Monday now! 😉




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