Breakfast in Paris – Café Petite

Bonjours mes amis, it’s Thursday and it means breakfast in Paris! Today it was Andrea’s turn to pick a place around the Republique area and we met up at Café petite. This place actually serves breakfast all day, good to know for breakfast lovers or brinner (breakfast for dinner) advocates.

We chose the Petite dejeuner menu, which included bread with jam, freshly pressed orange juice, pain au chocolate, a hot beverage, and a cute little egg cake (don’t know the real term for it?) which was super tasty and savory.Breakfast in Paris

Breakfast in Paris

Breakfast in ParisMmm so good!

Breakfast in ParisBig windows gives you plenty of view of the people passing by, a perfect relax and people watching place.

Breakfast in ParisTypical French rustic interior.

Breakfast in ParisLove the red chairs contrasting ot the red and white facade.

Breakfast in ParisThis was also a fun detail, you can order a Café aux lettres = you write a letter while you drink your espresso and they post it for you. Very nice touch! Perfect place to go to if you want to eat a very French petite dej with a little extra. Does anyone have a breakfast place to recommend in Paris? Feel more than welcome to share. Wishing you a happy Thursday!

2 svar på ”Breakfast in Paris – Café Petite

  1. Cajsa

    Holy Bellys pannkakor är defintivt Paris bästa! Och brunchtips är annars Le Wood, Ellsworth och Buvette. På min lista över ställen att testa härnäst står Fragments och Paperboy t ex också. Tack för tipset om l’Institut de Bonté, så härligt ställe!

    1. Sandra Inläggsförfattare

      Grymma tips Cajsa, lägger till dom på listan! Tack så mycket 🙂 vi kan ha frukostutbyte haha!


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