Breakfast in Paris – Season in Le marais

It’s Thursday and breakfast in Paris time! And yes I did survive Tuesday’s final critic, I’ve just been buzy celebrating the fact that life has come back to me. And ironically a cold came too (classic). But whatever, I’m FREE and yesterday me, Jamie and Megan celebrated that with pancakes at Season in Le Marais.
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesFab interior huh? I loved it! Simplicity and a little ruggedness combined. We sat by at table close to the window, wich was really nice but a little bit cold (our only remark).
Very friendly staff helped us with the menu in both English and French. We got coldpressed orange/carot/ginger juice. (Good for a cold)
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesAnd Olive’s pancakes with orange flower cream, maple syrp, pecan nuts and bacon. Ermahgerd. They were soo good!#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesHello lovely little plate of sweetness!

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesOur waitress even assisted with a photo of us. Bliss! Will miss these guys a lot <3classmates_pca

We got a tea after to get a little warmer and got this cute tea timer to tell us when it was ready.
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

Can really recommend Season, it was perfect for brunch and very popular for lunch too!

After the brunch I headed out on town to do some Christmas shopping. More about that later today. I have a few things to cross of my list before heading home on Saturday (Yaaay!) so better get going. Wishing you a nice Thursday morning! Soon weekend, hang in there 😉

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