New Year’s Eve outfit

We went shopping when mom and sis were here (that’s what we usually do on our trips: shop, eat pastries (fika) and walk a lot.) And it so happens I found my New year’s eve outfit!

Lately I’ve been obsessing (more than usual) about fluffy pink light hues (probably due to a project on Marie-Antoinette in Concept development) and these pins are a few from my pinterest board. Prepping for new years and party!IMG_8952.JPG


I love this cheesy christma list I found from New York brand Kate Spade, it really is content marketing at it’s best. I’ve checked off no 1 and 11 already 😀


IMG_8940.JPGAnd this is the Dress with a big D!!! Found it at Forever 21. The bag is from Primark and both happen to be early Christmas presents. Thanks family! The back is really nice with a deep cut V, but I’ll show you when NYE arrives. Can’t wait to dance around in this one!

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