
London lunch: Burger & Lobster

Åtminstone en av våra luncher i London skulle bli burgare (När vi var i NY i julas åt vi på fyra burgarställen på fem dagar) så vi bestämde oss för att testa Burger & Lobster i Mayfair. Där kan man inte reservera plats men det var inga problem att få ett bord i baren. Där äter man antingen burgare, hummer eller lobster roll. Sjukt enkel meny! Man kan också köra på klassikern “combo” om man är två och få varsin burgare, en hummer att dela på och varsin dessert.

At least one of our lunches out in London had to be burgers (when we were in New York I think we had 4 burgers on 5 days) so we decided to check out Burger & Lobster in Mayfair. They don’t do reservations but there was no problem in getting a seat in the bar for us. The big thing here on the menu is either a burger, lobster or a lobster roll. Super easy menu. One can also go for the “combo”-menu for two, where you get a burger each, a lobster to split and a dessert.

menu_burger_lobster samueladdams_burger_lobster

Så nöjd med att min kamera ger såna här bild. T om jag som inte gillar öl blir törstig.

Happy my camera produces these kind of photos, even I who don’t like beer get quite thirsty.
lemonadeJag tog en hallonlemonad. Gooott!

I took a raspberry lemonade. Much yum.

burger_lobster_thecombo burger_b_l burger_burger_lobster

Hamburgarna var fantastiskt goda. Pommes fritesen likaså, de höll sig varma extra länge i den där metallbehållaren. Något annat än donkens sladdriga fries alltså. Till och med salladen till var supergod! Vi kan absolut tänka oss gå tillbaka, antingen i London eller i Stockholm där de ska öppna snart.

The burgers were reaaaally good. And the fries also. The metal container kept them warm for a longer time too. And even the salad was super tasty! We will be back, either in London or in Stockholm where they are opening soon.

Mayfair address:


Website here.

Coachella 2015 outfits

Första helgen på Coachella är över och jag har skannat outfitsen som fullkomligt sköljer över en som en vårflod. Det fanns det vanliga boho-spets, fransiga och med blomkrans men också lite nyare, roligare trender som stora plamprint, det urtvättade marsala-röda (årets färg!) och att matcha snyggt med din kompis. Det senare kan bli lätt skrattframkallande när man ser exakta kloner av kompispar hänga runt på festivaler, jag föredrar när man matchar varandra i mån av färg. Om man har några mer frågor om det kan man ju fråga supermodellen Alessandra Ambrosio som firade sin födelsedag där med sitt flawless brasilianska bästisgäng. Hur man coachillar med sitt crew:

Coachella’s first weekend is over and I’ve searched the outfits outpour from it. There was the usual boho lace, fringes and flower crowns but also some new trends including big green palm prints, dusty reds (the color of the year) and matching with your friends. Sometimes the latter can become a little hilarious when you seen multiple couples of clones walking around in twos at festivals. The best way to match is to follow the same color scheme, in my opinion. If you got any more questions about that, you can always ask supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio who celebrated her birthday at Coachella with her oh so flawless Brazilian buddies in best style. How to coachill with your crew:


matching_friends palmprint long_denim_shortsÄlskar Kendall Jenners långa denimshort här, har propagerat för dom ett bra tag nu. Kommer att välja den sorten i sommar framför den klassiska “visa hela rumpan”-varianten från Levi’s. Mer bilder finns på mitt festivalboards på pinterest!

Love Kendall Jenner’s long denim shorts, been advocating them for quite some time now. Will choose these kinds of shorts for this summer on behalf of the super short ones. If you want to see more of the pictures you can just check my board in pinterest:


Pink Petals in Luxembourg

Det är cirka 29 grader här idag och våren har fullkomligt exploderat de senaste dagarna. Jag har tagit ungefär 75 miljarders miljoner bild på körsbärsblom och magnolias. Det är som en drog! Idag fyller även min kära moder år och hon älskar blommor, så det fick bli en onlinebukett till hennes ära:

It’s around 20 degrees here today, and the spring just bursted out the last couple of days. I have snapped tons of pics of pink cherryblossoms and magnolias. I can’t stop! Today is also my mother’s birthday and she loves flowers so here is my online bouquet:

cherryblossoms_chinese rue_albert_premiere cherryblossoms_ magnolias cherryblossom_merl parcmerl cherry hotpink_magnolias magnolia_hotpink white_magnolia magnolia_cherryblossom_luxemburg magnolia_strong_pink_luxembourg

Lovely, aren’t they?

Alexander McQueen at The V&A

Njuter av solen i London innan Alexander McQueen-utställning på Victoria & Albert-museumet. Det var väl egentligen mer av en show än en utställning, och helt klart inspirerande och effektfullt. Muséet i sig självt är dessutom fantastiskt vackert och Oscar var sjukt imponerad av den detaljrika mosaiken i golven (men SER du Sandra? Hur litet det är?) och den vackra arkitekturen. Och för att inte tala om alla marmorstatyer över viktiga gamla gubbar. Förstår inte riktigt hur någon kan påstå att dagens ungdom är fixerade vid selfies, förr var folk minst lika fixerade – det var bara lite dyrare och tog lite längre tid att tillverka dom.

We sat in the sunshine and peoplewatched before the Alexander McQueen show (or exhibition, but it was more like a show) at the V&A. It was mindblowing, of course. And the Victoria & Albert museum is like a treasure chest in itself. We were oh-ing and ah-ing from the beautiful architecture (like an Italian palazzo) the marble statues of important men (seriously, how can ANYONE say millennials are obsessed with selfies? Totally obvious that mankind has always been obsessed with taking selfies, in one way or another) and decor. Strongly recommended!vandaEntrén från gatan till V&A.

Entrance from the street to the V&A


The Patio inside V&A.alexander_mcqueen_poster

Fotografering var förbjuden såklart, men jag köpte utställningskatalogen (så nu har jag två, även den från Met-utställningen) men däri fanns det inga bilder från den faktiska utställningen. Några bilder finns från pressevents men hoppas verkligen de fotar detta till eftervärlden. Det första rummet fokade på hans felfria kunskap inom konfektion, det fanns ett rum med afrikanskt urbefolkningstema med ben från topp till tak och ett “cabinet of curiosity” fyllt med hans mest extravaganta show pieces. De återupplivade även det omtalade hologrammet av Kate Moss från “Widows of Culloden”-finalen från 2006 års kollektion. Här kan du läsa två olika recensioner av utställningen, en som redan är frälst och en som inte är det men ändå inte kan låta bli att bli det.

Photography was forbidden but I bought the exhibition catalogue (so now I have two, this one and the original from the Met.) but there are no photos in it from the actual exhibition which is a shame. Someone need to document this for those who cannot go. It’s such an experience, for all of the senses (big bravo on the music and interior deco). The first rooms were focused on his Savile row knowledge, in one room the walls were decorated from top to bottom with bones, and one room was a “cabinet of curiosity” filled with his most extravagant show pieces. They also had re-created the hologram of Kate Moss in a wedding dress from the “Widows of Culloden” finale in 2006 collection. Some photos can be found here, here and here. Here is also two reviews from the Guardian worth reading where someone who is not that big fan of McQueen spells it out (but obviously falls for it) and someone who really appreciates tells all too.

IMG_7620.JPGMuch of his work was present in the exhibition (the biggest presented to date, bigger than the Met one.) and my favorites are usually the most sparkly ones.IMG_7621.JPG

New meaning of crazy cat lady.

Om du har möjlighet och befinner dig i London så se för guds skull till att ta dig till V&A. Utställningen pågår till och med den 2 augusti.

If you have the chance to go to London make sure you go visit the V & A! The exhibition closes the 2nd of August.


London shopping

Några snaps på shoppingen från London. Utställningskatalogen från Savage beauty, min alldeles egna Fashionary skissbok (från grymma London Graphic Centre, en dröm för kreativa själar), fint akvarellpapper, ett obligatoriskt stop på Bodyshop som resulterade i några krämer och en ljuvlig öppnare från Anthropologie. Och lite kostsam men ack så vacker (och god!) choklad från Charbonnel & Walker. Kommer dessutom att återanvända askarna som smyckesförvaring.

Some snaps of the London shopping. The Alexander McQueen exhibition book, my very own Fashionary (from lovely London graphic centre store), some nice watercolor paper, the mandatory stop at Bodyshop (they stopped selling the tea tree scrub in Scandinavia for some reason! Also got the new green tea body butter) and a lovely little thing from Anthropologie. A golden opener in the form of a lemon slice. Love it. And some really expensive but oh so beautiful (and yummy) chocolate from Charbonnel & Walker. Will be perfect jewelry containers when the pralines are gone.shopping_london



Monday motivational quote

Came home late last night from our weekend in London filled with shopping, eating and inspiration. We were very happy with our time there and how well everything turned out. The food was great, the hotel was great and the weather was great-ER. Happy days.

Then I went to bed and started catching up with Twitter. Read horrific testimonials from the Garissa massacre. Read about sexual child abuse which made me want to puke. And so on, and so forth. And started slipping in to that “the world is an awful place” deep black hole. As a natural consequence I started feeling guilty about my blissful weekend and all the privilege I have as a white woman in a secular and educated country. And it is of course important  to remember how lucky you are. But also important to not stay in that depressing hole (I could be there for days) and actually put my strength into what I can affect. I will unfortunately not be able to join the Médecins sans frontières or the Red cross, I really don’t have a heart that would stand all that pain included in such jobs. But I can lift people up with inspiration. When the day to day life is a little too heavy, one can always dream about a little glamour. Or get an injection of fashion or beauty that could be totally mundane but works as a distracter from all the pain, violence and death. Or be a reaction to and against it. And I hope that my quest to remind the fashion industry to form fashion into something more humane will actually do some good. So today’s Monday motivational quote is an extension of this. nicepeople


Let’s increase the number of nice people in this world, shall we.


Burgers at The Barn Gothenburg

When Oscar was back in Gothenburg last week we made sure to visit one of our favorite restaurants, The Barn. It’s a mix between Sweden and America and focuses on hamburgers, which we love. They are quite possibly the best burgers I’ve had even though I’m not a burger connoisseur. But so far they do very well in competition with Umami burgers and Shake Shack in NY and Flippin Burgers in Stockholm which I have tried and are said to be up there fighting for that place no 1. thebarn_tablesettingThe setting is very cozy at The Barn, (it is in fact a demolished barn redone) and genuine.Thebarn_dill_chipsLovely chips with a dill mayonnaise to start with.thebarn_sötpotatisA little blurry picture of the burgers. I ate a Grisen (The pig=bacon) with cheese on it but actually prefer it without. The sweet potato fries with truffle mayo is compulsory and delicious.

dubbelprästenOscar can sometimes manage to eat a dubbel cheeseburger Prästen (called The Priest after a cheese named Priest cheese) and two sweet potato fries. I don’t know how he does it.

thebarn_partyStraaaight into the food coma. The Barn in Gothenburg is an absolute must for a burger lover visiting! For more tips about restaurants in Gothenburg worth visiting, take a look at the newly started blog Bukfyllan (in Swedish), it looks promising!


The balcony

Ta daa! The big balcony and rosé wine premiere was a hit! The two attendees were extremely happy. Felt like summer sitting in the sun until 19.30 before it started getting chilly. Never had a balcony before, it really is awesome.balcony balcony_premierechateau_clapiere_rosewineTried this rosé wine from Provence, it was approved. Very nice.luxbynightThe balcony in the dark with the christmas lights we found in Oscar’s stuff. Cozy!

Right now we’re packing for London tomorrow. Approx itinerary:

Friday: arrive at noon at Sanderson hotel. Take a stroll over to Grays antiques. Check out the Alexander McQueen exhibition at V&A around 15.00 (so excited!). Stroll around in Kensington. Meet up with Oscar’s friend and dinner at London’s only one star Michelin pub Harwood Arms at 20.30.

Saturday: Lunch at Burgers & Lobsters. Stroll around in Soho. Maybe watch the annual rowing boat race between Cambridge and Oxford on the river Thames. Dinner at Sketch.

Sunday: Afternoon tea at Brown’s hotel. Fly back to Lux at 19.40.

That’s the approx one. You never know what happens. Looking forward to it a lot!


Emma Elwin for Gina Tricot – Scandinavian it girls

Premiere today for Gina Tricot’s collaboration with Emma Elwin/Make it last titled Scandinavian it girls. Earlier we’ve seen Pernille Teisbaek from Denmark and later on it’s Norway’s turn with Hanneli Mustaparta. A very clever campaign if you ask me, which targets Gina’s biggest markets AND drives traffic from three very big and professional bloggers.

The launch today appeals a little extra to me, since it focuses on sustainability. Am very curious on what Gina Tricot had in mind there, they have been participating in the buy and throwaway culture for quite some time with their low prices and lacking quality (not only them of course, this is how many chains are build up and it’s a whole different discussion on whose fault that is).

So what did Gina Tricot come up with? A pre summer collection with sleek lines and white boho elements (hello there little caftan, come to mama!). Thankfully it’s far from the ecologic is boring kinda vibe that was popular in the midst of the 00s, where everything sustainable was beige and ugly. And it’s still in Gina Tricot super cheap prices, which makes me a little suspicious – where did they cut those costs? But anyways, props to Gina and Emma for a very nice campaign, spot on!

ginatricot_denim Denim trousers in Tencel, which is a nicer version of rayon – a regenerated fibre from cellulosa (yes, like a christmas tree in a pair of pants-form). The shirt is said to be Tencel too, but stated as 100% cotton in the online shop (which I dearly hope is wrong because that would be a monumental failure).ginatricot_kaftan Insert emoji with heart eyes!! (Yes, this is where I forget I actually hate boho in the winter. Enter denial of boho hatred and wear frilly tunics, skirts with pearls and neon embroideries in the summer – CHECK)ginatricot_culottes Culottes. Everyone will have to buy culottes this summer, otherwise the stores will drown in them. The no 1 silhouette for this summer.ginatricot_orangedressBeautiful! Emma reminds me a bit of Emma Watson, probably a lot because of her name and accent but also for her spirit in fighting for a good cause. Keep it up!