The balcony

Ta daa! The big balcony and rosé wine premiere was a hit! The two attendees were extremely happy. Felt like summer sitting in the sun until 19.30 before it started getting chilly. Never had a balcony before, it really is awesome.balcony balcony_premierechateau_clapiere_rosewineTried this rosé wine from Provence, it was approved. Very nice.luxbynightThe balcony in the dark with the christmas lights we found in Oscar’s stuff. Cozy!

Right now we’re packing for London tomorrow. Approx itinerary:

Friday: arrive at noon at Sanderson hotel. Take a stroll over to Grays antiques. Check out the Alexander McQueen exhibition at V&A around 15.00 (so excited!). Stroll around in Kensington. Meet up with Oscar’s friend and dinner at London’s only one star Michelin pub Harwood Arms at 20.30.

Saturday: Lunch at Burgers & Lobsters. Stroll around in Soho. Maybe watch the annual rowing boat race between Cambridge and Oxford on the river Thames. Dinner at Sketch.

Sunday: Afternoon tea at Brown’s hotel. Fly back to Lux at 19.40.

That’s the approx one. You never know what happens. Looking forward to it a lot!


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