
Rosé wine premiere

 There’s a saying in Swedish that goes something like “you’ll have as much fun as you make it out to be”, and tonight I thought I would have a grand opening of the balcony and this year’s rosé wine premiere. Cus that’s fun and a little silly. So I sent a fancy invitation to Oscar and went to the store to shop some French Rosé wine from Provence and festive snacks and sparklers. The cashier did not even ask for my ID. (The shock! And cheaper than in Sweden, even though I went to some overpriced place!) And we bought furnitures for the balcony yesterday, and a lily plant. Very excited!

If you too want to make fancy posters like this I recommend the app Phoster. It’s really nice.

Bea Åkerlund, the world’s best stylist

Got a really nice tip from Sarah yesterday, Swedish tv show Kobra showed an episode about celebrity stylist and costume designer Bea Åkerlund (married to video director Jonas Åkerlund) who has styled some of the most trend setting videos for Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Beyoncé. Bea truly is an artist and talks about why clothes can be a weapon. It’s really good, if you know Swedish you should see it! It’s only about 15 minutes long, and while you are at it you can watch the the rest of the episode too. It is about Hoyte Van Hoytema (the man behind the camera of Interstellar, Her and the new Bondmovie). Click on the picture to get to Svtplay.

Bea Åkerlund Kobra

I am really curious about Madonna’s next video for Ghosttown which Bea preps for in the program, saw that Madonna even dyed her eyebrows the way Bea does and it is said that Ghosttown really is important for the Rebel heart record – as in will it be a hit or a total flop-important. Bea’s style has been dominant the last couple of years and when I saw Laleh’s new video for her song Colors I thought it looked very Lady Gaga. But it would be more suiting to say it looked very Bea Åkerlund, since she had done the costumes for that video too. Bow down to the star behind the stars, Mrs Bea Åkerlund.

Eating out – Dogado Luxembourg

Yesterday we wanted to go out to eat here in Luxembourg. Some restaurants are closed due to easter holiday this week too, but we managed to find an open one and it was possibly the closest one too. Round the corner of where Oscar lives here in the area of Hollerich/Belair lies the restaurant Dogado. It’s has French and Italian cuisine and a Sushi bar. Typical mix of everything in a Luxembourg kinda way maybe? We decided for Sushi anyways and ordered a mix of Nigiri and Maki rolls which was all in all 28 pieces. It turned out to be A LOT.

dogado_sushisushi_dogado_blog dogado_maki_nigiri dogado_luxembourg_sushi dogado_mirror_sushiReally nicely presented on a mirror. And super good salmon, we were stuffed and even got a doggie bag with us. The staff was friendly and did not mind our stuttering French. The interior could do with a touch up though, very beige and it smelled like an old hotel from the 80s. Like someone had previously smoked in there and now the smell had to be disguised with fragrance sticks. And the music choice for the evening was reggae, adding to the very broad spectra of nationalities already. The music is so important in restaurants but it is often overlooked. But all in all a nice first experience eating out here, can’t wait for the next one!

Striped linen shirt

randig_linneskjorta_ginatricot randig_hjärtaMycket förtjust i denna randiga linneskjorta från Gina Tricot. Den heter Theresa, anar därför att den är döpt efter en fantastisk exkollega till mig från tiden på Ginas designavdelning. Props till er ginagals, den är fab! Har mitt finaste smycke till, ett glittrande hjärta jag fått av mina syskon. Den passar förövrigt till allt. Vitt, svart, denim, marint osv osv. Investera i denna klassiska piece, blir din för enbart 249:-! (Hutlöst billigt!)

Just dazzled by this lovely striped linen shirt from Gina Tricot. It’s named Theresa, possibly after an ex colleague of mine from my time at Gina Tricot’s head office. Props Gina gals, this one is a total success! Wearing it with my most precious necklace, a sparking heart I got from my siblings. The shirt really goes with everything, White, black, denim, peacoat blue. Grab this long lasting wardrobe favorite, it’s only 249:-!

Starting easter at Atelier

Vi firade in påsken i förrgår med en drink på Atelier, restaurangen i Hotel Pigalle mitt i stan. Ett riktigt mysigt ställe!             Så goda drinkar! Kan verkligen rekommenderas. Vi firade även att Oscar köpt en bil och jag lämnat in en portfolio, kändes fint. Glad Påsk!

On Wednesday we took an easter drink at Atelier, a restaurant in Hotel Pigalle in the middle of Gothenburg, it’s really cozy! Happy easter you guys!


Afterwork at Brewers Göteborg

Igår kom Maja hem från Istanbul där hon jobbade på Lindex produktionskontor i 6 mån. Ett kärt återseende! Vi satte oss på Brewers på tredje lång (siktade på Kino först, men det var jättefullt) och njöt mycket goda surdegspizzor och cava. Inte varje dag det är tisdag liksom. Det är ju inte så konstigt längre att gå ut att äta en tisdag, det är ju verkligen en sak man gör. Lägger pengar på mat istället för kläder.

bubbel_brewers pizzafest_brewers makeitbacon_brewers

Maja came home from 6 months in Lindex production office in Istanbul yesterday so we celebrated with some cava and sourdough pizzas at Brewers. Yum!

My new home interior

Har äntligen börjat komma lite i ordning här hemma. Det gör så stor skillnad när man fått till lite piff. Det är fortfarande en del som ska göras, t ex har jag ingen soffa längre men det får komma längre fram. Så här ser det ut nu:


skrivbordsäng_stilleben fjäder_lampaFavoriten just nu är skrivbordet. Massa ljus när man sitter där. Sovrummet ska tapetseras om snart så saker är mest inställda där de fick plats.P1000641Vardagsrummet utan soffa (tältsäng vikarierar i nuläget).

P1000639 P1000638P1000633I köket trängs allt i guld jag har. Och mitt älskade skruttiga matbord från ladan.

Det börjar ändå likna ett hem!





Marc heart Neville

Priset till årets geni går till Oscar. Han kom hem igår efter 6 veckor i Luxemburg (vi åker tillbaka dit på söndag!) och hade med sig present. Inte vilken som helst, ett par HUNDSKOR! *insert emoji med hjärtögon*. Marc Jacobs älskar sin bullterrier Neville så mycket att han avbildar honom i sitt arbete och hunden har till och med sin egen instagram. Var god följ!


marc_by_marc_jacobs_nevilleFiiiiiina va? Om detta är en muta för att vi inte setts på 6 veckor så var det en bra muta. Tack O! Dessa ska jag svassa runt i i sommar!

nevillejacGot a lovely gift from Oscar yesterday. Marc Jacob’s dog Neville, but in shoe form. Insert emoji with heart eyes. And follow Neville on instagram!