
Happy belated Holidays!

Hej och god fortsättning! Jag tog en välbehövlig bloggvila i jul, umgicks med familjen, klappade alla djur och träffade hela släkten. Julen innehöll allt som en god jul ska göra; god mat, fina dekorationer, massa julklappar, omtanke och vila. Och ont i magen efter allt godis så klart.

Jag tog åtminstone några snapshots på mobilen på julafton. Har ni sett vilken fin gran ma och pa hittade i år!? (Ni som följer mig på snap vet att jag obsessat lite över den…). Helt fantastisk!


Hello and happy belated Christmas! I took a much needed blog rest during Christmas, spent time with family and patted all the pets. Christmas contained everything a good Christmas should do; good food, nice decorations, lot of Christmas gifts, care and rest. And stomach ache after all the candy, of course.

I did take some snapshots on Christmas Eve. Have you seen the tree ma and pa found this year !? (Those of you who follow me on snap know I obsessed bit over it …) It’s amazing!img_9170


Jag i traditionsenlig tomteluva och ugly (fast inte så ful) christmas sweater (den här, med en glittrande ren på) tjoho! Nu är dock julen över för i år och jag tycker alltid det är lite tråkigt. Den där julbubblan med allt fantastiskt mys vill man gärna stanna kvar i lite längre, men tur för oss att nyår tar över! Nu är det fokus på glitter, filéer och nyårskarameller istället. Och nyårslöften kanske? Eller nyårsplaner! Jag föredrar att sätta upp mål och drömmar istället för krav. Mer om det snart. Nu ska jag ut på stan i Göteborg tillsammans med Oscar och flanera. Ha en bra måndag!

Me in the traditional santa hat and ugly (but not that ugly) Christmas sweater (this one, with a gold glittering deer on it) woop! Christmas is a however over for this year and I always think it’s a bit sad. I would be happy to stay in the cozy Christmas bubble a little longer, but lucky for us the New Year is taking over instead! Now the focus is on glitter and New year preparations instead. And New Year’s resolutions, perhaps? Or New Year plans! I prefer to set goals and dreams instead of demands. More on that soon. Now I’m going out on the town in Gothenburg together with Oscar. Have a great Monday!


Christmas break to do

Under veckan innan finals roade jag mig med att drömma om alla fantastiska saker man kan göra på jullovet, när man är ledig. Nu är jag ledig i 10 dar innan jag börjar jobba på NK i mellandagarna men jag har ändå en rätt gedigen lista på vad jag vill hinna med, både i bokväg, filmväg och relaxväg. Det låter kanske som helt fel sätt att gå till väga för att slappna av – men jag älskar ju listor! Och nån av er kanske har någon jättebra bok/film att rekommendera så här i juletider eller själva behöver lite tips?

During the last week before finals I kept my spirits up by doing a to do list of everything I was looking forward to do when break would come. I am off for ten days before I start working at Nordiska Kompaniet (a luxury department store here in Sweden) and my list is quite extensive. It might sound like a totally wrong way to go about to relax – but I love lists! And someone might have a great book / movie to recommend or maybe you need some recommendations yourself?

Christmas break to do


The man from U.N.C.L.E.

En film jag velat se länge, faktiskt mer för kläderna än för handlingen och att få se vår senaste hollywoodstjärna Alicia Vikander.

A movie I’ve wanted to see for ages, actually not so much for the story as for the costumes and to see Alicia Vikander, our latest Swedish star.


Les jardins du Roi / A little Chaos

Ett kostymdrama med Kate Winslet och Alan Rickman i huvudrollerna? Jag är på!

A costume film about Versailles with Kate Winslet and Alan Rickman in the leading roles? Sign me up!!


Le petit Prince / The little prince

Den franska barnsagan har animerats och släpptes i somras i fransk version. Den engelska får man vänta på till i mars. Jag ska försöka mig på att se den på franska, oklart om jag kommer förstå men den verkar sååå fin! Inte att undra på att min favoritfotograf Tim Walker blev inspirerad till att göra ett le petit prince shoot!

The classic french fairytale has been animated again and was released in France during the summer. The English version is released in March but I will try to see the French one, it looks so dreamy! No wonder my favorite photographer Tim Walker was inspired to do his Little prince shoot.



Jag läser mest biografier och faktaböcker när jag vill koppla av. På listan nu står Jag är Zlatan (jag har fortfarande inte läst den!) så jag är förberedd när filmen om den unge Zlatan har premiär, 4 timmars arbetsvecka (hoppas på underverk inom time management) och att läsa klart Leave your mark av Alizia Licht – väldigt bra hittills! Och kanske lite Harry Potter, det är ju ändå jultradition.

I mostly read non fictional books and autobiographies when I want to relax. On my list right now is I am Zlatan, 4 hour workweek (hoping for miracle tips in time management), and to finish Leave your mark by Alizia Licht. And maybe a little bit of Harry Potter, since it’s Christmas tradition.


För övrigt så står det ett par bad i husets enorma badkar, klappa vovvarna mycket och äta mycket god julmat och umgås med familjen. Har ni några tips på filmer eller böcker man måste läsa i jul, kommentera gärna!

Besides that I really want to take a few baths in the big bathtub in this house, pet the dogs (and cat) a lot, eat a lot of yummy Christmas food and hang out with family. If you have any tips on movies or books to read during break, please let me know!

A pink & gold X-mas

Julen i Paris känns ganska annorlunda från julen i Sverige. Jag upplever det lite som att det traditionella grön-röda är mer vanligt här i Sverige, även om det såklart finns utrymme för experimentella granar. När jag flanerade omkring på julshoppingsäventyret så fotade jag även lite granar på stan.

Christmas in Paris is a little bit different from Christmas at home. In Sweden it’s traditional red and green, even though of course there is room to experiment. I’ve always had a pink Christmas tree myself, but my family’s Christmas tree is very traditional and I love it. Where as in Paris, there’s very little red and green. They love to experiment with their decorations.

Christmas in Paris
Turkost, guld och silver, varför inte! / Turquoise, gold and silver, why not!

Christmas in Paris

Christmas in ParisGranarna utanför skolan / The trees outside of my school. 

Christmas in ParisJag körde själv på rosa och guld… Oslagbar kombo 😉 / I went for pink and gold, a combination hard to beat 😉

Christmas in Paris

Ja som sagt, jag förvarnade er ju om att det skulle bli mycket jul här i bloggen. Hoppas ni står ut! Om ni behöver lite hjälp på traven med julstämningen så kan ni ju lyssna på min jullista om ni vill 😉

Yes, like I said it would be a lot of Christmas in ze blog. Hope you can handle it! If you need a lil help to get in the x-mas mood, you can always to listen to my spotify x-mas list 😉

Finals behind the scenes

Dagarna innan finals var ganska intensiva, det var en kamp mot klockan att få klart presentationen till utsatt tid för alla. Ateljén blir ganska (jätte) stökig och jag tog lite foton för att dokumentera denna ganska oglammiga sidan av att gå modedesign.

The days before final critique were pretty intense and there was a constant struggle against time to finish before deadline. The studio gets pretty (very) messy and I snapped a few photos to show this less glamorous side of fashion design 😉

Finals Paris College of Art

Borden fulla med tyg, golven ska vi inte ens prata om / Tables filled with fabric and lets not even talk about the floors

Finals Paris College of Art

Enda pausen man tog var antingen för mat eller koffein/nikotin. Jag som varken dricker kaffe eller röker drack min ranson av Cola zero.

/ The only breaks you took were either for food or caffein/nicotine. I don’t smoke or drink coffee but had my fair share of Cola Zero.

Finals Paris College of Art

Två tappra klasskamrater i andra ateljén. Two dear fellow classmates hanging in there.


På något sätt blir man alltid klar till utsatt tid ändå, trots att man inte tror att man kommer klara det. Det är liksom magiskt! Lite sömn och mycket skräpmat blir det dock, så nu ska det verkligen tas igen under lovet. Kroppen var helt mör igår.

Somehow you always finish in time, even though it feels like it wasn’t gonna happen. It’s like magic! But sleep deprivation and a lot of junk food is the result, so I really want to take care of my body. I was totally knackered yesterday.


Monday Pepp & Tips – Christmas edition!

Last Monday before Christmas, and I think everyone is more ready than ever to go on Christmas break huh? I don’t think we need any pepp to get through this very short work week, but maybe a few tips about the Christmas chores that are on our shoulders? So I collected a few links with a Cristmassy theme, here you go!


Gift help – why not give an experience?

If you’re stuck with what to give to that person who has everything, or that person who’s on a sabbatical year/month/week from consumer society, why not give away an experience? Mydomainhome listed a few here, but I would like to add tickets to concerts or festivals – when in doubt, go for a concert – the tickets I once got on Christmas to my first Bruce Springsteen concert made me cry.

summerburst_festivalFrom Summerburst festival in Gothenburg

App – Spotify Party

Just in time for the holiday bashes Spotify released its second app (first one was Spotify running), tailored to parties. Spotify Party is based on the idea that there are different moods to different kinds of parties and its easily adjustable with the mood tuner. The playlists are done by DJ:s and made seamless, and there’s one for every occasion. I’m so ready to try this out! Spotify got the help of the DJ Diplo to push for it, he has put some exclusive material in the app.

How to accessorize for the parties? Take note from Iris Apfel

Whowhatwear put up a couple of inspiring pics of the Accessory queen herself, Iris, to be inspired by for the Christmas party outfit. I just think she’s the coolest lady ever, and if you haven’t seen her documentary yet, DO IT.


Christmas food hacks

Christmas is not complete without eating a lot of Christmassy food and Buzzfeed put together 38 of them in a list right here. This hot chocolate big batch in a crockpot from howsweeteats looks divine!



Any other Christmassy tips you think is worth sharing? 🙂


Christmas shopping in Paris

I managed to do almost all my christmas shopping in Paris before heading home. I was actually quite sick but I did enjoy strolling along a lot in christmas decorated streets and stores. And taking pictures of it all (naturally).

Merci ParisYou just have to visit Merci if you’re in town and in Marais, love that shop! Very Merci-ish decorated for christmas of course.

Merci Paris

Merci ParisThey have tons of interior things you really want, a lot of unnecessary gadgets and lovely things. And clothing and a resto too.

The Conran ShopThe Conran shop, just by Bon Marché near Saint German, is well worth a visit as well. Gadget and gift heaven!
The Conran Shop

The Conran ShopAnd next door to Le Bon Marché is La Grande Épicerie, aka The Greatest Foodstore There Ever Was.

Le Bon Marché
Le Bon Marché
Le Bon Marché
Le Bon Marché
Le Bon MarchéTHEY HAVE EVERYTHING ops caps, but yeah, totally worth the caps.
Christmas in Paris
Last but not least, they have the most beautiful christmas decorated flower shops in Paris. It’s extra everything. You go Glen Coco!

Breakfast in Paris – Season in Le marais

It’s Thursday and breakfast in Paris time! And yes I did survive Tuesday’s final critic, I’ve just been buzy celebrating the fact that life has come back to me. And ironically a cold came too (classic). But whatever, I’m FREE and yesterday me, Jamie and Megan celebrated that with pancakes at Season in Le Marais.
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesFab interior huh? I loved it! Simplicity and a little ruggedness combined. We sat by at table close to the window, wich was really nice but a little bit cold (our only remark).
Very friendly staff helped us with the menu in both English and French. We got coldpressed orange/carot/ginger juice. (Good for a cold)
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesAnd Olive’s pancakes with orange flower cream, maple syrp, pecan nuts and bacon. Ermahgerd. They were soo good!#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesHello lovely little plate of sweetness!

#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakesOur waitress even assisted with a photo of us. Bliss! Will miss these guys a lot <3classmates_pca

We got a tea after to get a little warmer and got this cute tea timer to tell us when it was ready.
#breakfastinParis, Breakfast at Season in Marais. #dempancakes

Can really recommend Season, it was perfect for brunch and very popular for lunch too!

After the brunch I headed out on town to do some Christmas shopping. More about that later today. I have a few things to cross of my list before heading home on Saturday (Yaaay!) so better get going. Wishing you a nice Thursday morning! Soon weekend, hang in there 😉

Monday pepp & tips links

Monday has graced us with its presence, or maybe not graced us, maybe more slapped us in the face with a cold fish and now we need some pick me up tips to get this thing called life going, am I right??

As I might have mentioned a couple of (thousand) times I have my final critique tomorrow, which means I am going to present all of my work I’ve done during this term to the whole fashion faculty. The teachers here at PCA aint any teachers, they’re extremely talented people who’ve worked at places like Dior, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Louis Vuitton, Céline, and so on and so forth. So this post is well needed for me too!

Here are this week’s happy thoughts, from changing how you think to become happier and how to land that dream job in fashion!

Think happy

If you think you are happy, you become happy. It’s (almost) as easy as that! Quartz shared the concept (backed up by science) here!

Crafting helps

If you’re a person who suffers from anxiety or depression, crafting might help you to cope with everyday life. Buzzfeed asked their readers what they have crafted due to mental illness, and it’s pretty darn great. Take that anxiety and make a pillow case out of it!



Happy bingewatching

Bustle shares 9 Netflix documentaries to watch if you’re feeling down and out. I put a few of the down on my must watch list!




Getting that dream job

Who what wear spills the beans on how to land a job in fashion. It’s focused on the states but can work internationally. I can vouch for a few of them tips too.


Last but not least, puppies in santa hats!!! Because doggies make everything better.


Swedish Lucia in Paris

Happy Lucia! The 13th of December is Luciadagen in Sweden, which means we celebrate an old saint that sacrificed herself for some reason. Yeah, I really don’t remember it, but it’s one of my favorite parts about Christmas and when I found out that the Swedish church in Paris would hold an event with a Luciatåg (choir of people dressed in white night gowns, holding a candle in their hand and having tinsel in their hair) I got a ticket straight away.

Swedes may be extremely secularized but is it something we love it’s Lucia and listening to old Christmas songs. It’s SO cozy!Lucia in ParisI went by the Swedish store, a street away from the Swedish church, and got myself JULMUST, a traditional Christmas beverage. Don’t try it, you won’t like it, it’s a taste you have to get used to (or so I’ve been told by non Swedes).

Lucia in Paris

 We sat down in the church benches and awaited Lucia and the gang.

Lucia in ParisSo beautiful I shed a tear (true).

Lucia in ParisBig Lucia and a small kids lucia as well. So cute.

Lucia in ParisAaah, feeling festive now!! It gave me a lil more energy to continue with finals. Only 1,5 more days! 🙂