
Monday pepp & tips links

Monday, vrooom! Feels like it always goes so fast, here we are again. And here are this week’s tips links.

How to create a color palette – tips from the expert


In my concept class I have to create several color palettes, for my own brand and for the collections. I found this interesting link on WGSN (the trend bureau EVERYONE in the fash biz pays large amounts of money for the latest news in trends.) where Jane Boddy explains how she works with color palettes. She has 20 years of experience, lots of great free advice there.

Storage tips for the Studio

Either if you’re crazy about crafts or need to have tons of glittery stuff for professional reasons like me (yay, job perk!) it’s always nice to have your magic knick knacks in place, neat and tidy. Saw this useful tip about organizing your creative space at Apartment Therapy. Dreaming about a home office or studio like this!


5 things all successful women have in common

A few tips about success from Career girl daily to take note of. Especially the one about having a mentor, I think it’s crucial. Here’s another CDG article on finding that mentor!



Anne’s character finds an unexpected mentor in Robert in The Intern (and if you haven’t seen this feel good movie, do it now).

French Words


One of my favorite instagrams is French words – that daily posts funny/interesting words in French. This motivational quote will put an end to this week’s tips post. Hope you enjoyed it!


My pink skirt in Draping class

This Friday I had a presentation of my pink skirt project in 3D design class. Under three weeks we worked on draping a skirt straight on the form, first in muslin and then we had to choose a suitable fabric. I went a little over board on an expensive cashmere but I did really want it to be pink.

Pink Cashmir Skirt projectI really like the shape and that the thick fabric makes it some what of a winter skirt.

Pink Cashmir Skirt projectDraping on a model is so much more understandable than working with flat patterns. You understand the shapes and its consequences a lot more.Pink Cashmir Skirt project As you might have seen I had a little breakdown earlier this week resulting in tea stains all over the skirt. They are still there, but at least they are harder to see now after a cold hand wash – cashmere is sensitive to washing so I did not dare wash it in a laundromat. At least now I know better than to transport any liquid together with one of my precious project in the same bag. You live and you learn. 😉 

The importance of de-stressing

The last couple of weeks have been a little stressful here in la ville de la lumière. I had hoped it would calm down after midterms were over, but somehow it’s hard to relax and go back to normal levels after a longer period of stress hormones and dysfunctional workload. It all kind of culminated this Wednesday when I, superstressed, on my way to school discovered I had forgotten to secure the lid on my take away tea mug and half of it had leaked out all over the contents of my bag – including my light pink cashmir skirt project. Catastrophe, to say the least.

Let’s say the rest of that day did not go as planned, but it was ended with the feelgood movie “The intern” with Andra and Fred at least. And then I made sure to have an evening of me-time, alone and in front of Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette. P1060847 P1060944I also got a very suiting destress kit from my friend Jennifer, with the loveliest chocolate from San Francisco and a delightful green tea from the French institution Mariage Fréres. I really want to recommend having me-time evenings to destress, I can’t believe I forgot how good it is to stay in a night and ONLY doing stuff for yourself and not anyones else. I will definitely do that again.

Hope you’ll have a destressing weekend!


Breakfast in Paris – Holybelly

Thursday and another breakfast in Paris post is due! Today me and Andrea tried out Holybelly, a café near Republique that Andrea had on the breakfast list. I recognized the name from reading about it a while ago too and we had high hopes. It sure looked cozy from the outside and we were hungry like wolves.

Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyThe café opens at 9.00 and closes around 15, so this is a perfect breakfast spot. We were almost the first ones there and could choose any table. The menu was very mouthwatering. We ordered apple juice to drink and pancakes with fresh fruit, cream and syrup to eat.

Breakfast in Paris - Holybelly
Breakfast in Paris - Holybelly OMG, it looks soo good! It tasted soo good as well.
Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyBreakfast in Paris - HolybellyTwo very happy campers, about to dig in on the pancakes.Breakfast in Paris - HolybellySome floor love.
Breakfast in Paris - HolybellyThe interior was bright and warm, I liked the floor feeling in the ceiling. And when we left the place it was very buzy as you can see, so I recommend coming early. I am definitely coming back again, have to try the bacon – they looked very yummy too!

#ootd – My black Cocoon pile jacket

It’s getting colder in Paris and it’s necessary to put on the cozy scarf and a thicker coat. I don’t mind, last year I found this black cocoon pile jacket at H&M and it’s soo warm. It’s still one of my favorites. ootd November 2015I brought around 5 different winter scarfs to Paris (you can never have enough! Still on the look out for a grey melange one) and I love matching this pink one with grey and cognac.
ootd November 2015The flared pants with crease line on them are super comfy as well since they’re not actually woven but a thick jersey. They look kinda business but feel like a sweatpants – win! From H&M too of course, I could be sponsored by them haha.ootd November 2015I’ve seen a similar pile jacket in beige available at H&M this year. Kinda want that one too.

White, black, grey and a lil splash of pink and cognac was how I rolled around yesterday. What’s your favorite fall combination?

Haute couture iphone

This morning we had a midterm critique for our Couture Craftmanship class project “Sensations” which will be sent in to the lace contest La fédération de la Dentelle et de la Broderie arranges next year. I had two ideas and one of them was a haute couture iphone cover and I wanted to show it to you.



Inspiration pictures from Alexander McQueen Couture collection Fall 2013
Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneThe theme was “Sensations”, which can be interpreted as the five senses and the reactions we have from them. I thought about our everyday life and that a lot of our sensations and impressions come from the smartphone and what happens on the screen.

Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneI wanted to make a packaging for the iphone more beautiful and saw a gap in the couturiers collections. They do fantastic creations in clothes and bags but I haven’t found a couturier phone. Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneIn this class we’ve done a lot of experiments with lace and foil, resin and silicone finishes which is very interesting.Couture Craftmanship - Haute Couture iphoneIt may look tiny but many many hours goes into a small embroidery like this. BUT! This couture iphone idea was actually not very much liked by the jury. Sometimes a good idea isn’t good enough. So I will continue with my other idea of the music and I will show you the results when the project is due. It’s a hard knock life in the fashion industry 😉

Måndagspepp & Monday tips

Hello November and hello Monday! After a really long weekend it’s time to get back to business. I’ve gone through my tips library to find a couple of things that should interest you and hopefully be a little inspiring as well for this week’s Måndagspepp (or Monday tips).

Why you’re always tired

If you’re like me you might wake up on some Mondays feeling unrested and drained. Mydomain interviewed a doctor on why this happens and you can read the interesting result here. If you don’t want to read all of the article I recommend you skip down to the 5 tip list on things you can improve in life to get more energy and get more rested!



A pinterest account to follow – Oui Oui Studio

I recently discovered this gem of a pinner, Margreet. She has a perfectly curated pinterest with the best organizing ever. If I look for a special type of photo or color I go there. Lots and lots of beautiful pics to discover.

Oui Oui Studio Pinterest


Love Style Life by Garance Doré

One of my favorite illustrators has come out with a book about love, style and life (duh!). Not only is the book a gem to have on the coffee table but it promises a lot of tips on the aforementioned topics and interviews with French Vogue editor Emmanuelle Alt and J Crew master Jenna Lyons. I’m getting a copy!


Tips for destressing

I have a personality type prone to suffer from burn out syndrome so I often keep a look out for tips of destressing, mitigating symtoms of anxiety and relaxing. I came across this list of 11 little things to do to feel more balanced. Some of them are quite good!

IMG_8931Lying in bed reading blogs and mags is one of my favorite ways of relaxing. Wishing you a nice Monday!


Visiting Versailles

Adventure post time! After spending practically all of my time in the studio at PCA the past weeks I was thirsty for some French culture and a feast for the eyes. So this past Thursday me and my friend Megan went out to the royal castle Versailles that lies approximately 45 min southwest of Paris. I don’t think there is anything more French, or feastful, for that matter. I had never been there before and was of course blown away by the extravagance and lavishness. It is hard coming home from there without being incredibly inspired, and I took so many pictures my memory card got full and the camera thought it was sleepy time. Here are some of the pics from the interior of the castle.

gates_versallesIt took a few hundred years to build it and the many Louis kings all chipped in (Louis XIV the most) and they apparently liked the gold. versailles_courtyard_gold  Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe castle’s very own chapel. Versailles, Hall of MirrorsMe in front of the doors. See how huge they are? Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe king’s chamber. Versailles, Hall of MirrorsThe Hall of mirrors. I want to go to a ball here, can I pretty please? Versailles, Hall of MirrorsImagine what this chandelier has seen… Versailles interiorThe Queen’s bedroom. Versailles interiorI bet this took a few years to finish. Versailles interiorThe gallery. VersaillesVersaillesThe magnificent garden, in fall colors.

You can see more of the pictures on my Flickr account here.

As you can understand a lot of the fashion houses and designers have been inspired by this environment. I hope you haven’t missed Dior’s latest campaign shot at Versailles with no one less than Rihanna as leading lady. With that last dose of OTT glamour I’m wishing you a nice Sunday evening!

60s hairdo for Halloween

One of my favorite decades or time periods is late 50s, early 60s in hairstyle. Everything back then was so over the top and extremely feminine. Designers and fashion houses loves to go back to that period and you often see an reincarnation of either Brigitte Bardot, Twiggy or Marilyn Monroe each fashion week. I am no better, when it’s time for Halloween and I couldn’t bring my masquerade wardrobe with me to Paris (it’s quite extensive) I had to opt for something easier to accomplish. A 60s hairdo and outfit!

These pics were inspiration60S_hairdos

Monica Zetterlund (in the last picture) was my main goal, I hope you have seen the movie about her called Monica Z that came out a few years ago. It’s incredible!

And the result:
I bought this dress at Zara few weeks ago. And the shoes are from Pierre Hardy.

beehive_50s50s_hairdo_madmenTA DA! I used a whole lotta spray and dry schampo to achieve this plus followed this guide on how to do the 60s hair. What are you going to dress up as on Halloween?


Outfit of the day at Versailles

Yesterday me and Megan went on an outing to the castle Versailles. We spent maybe six hours out there oh-ing and ah-ing over the marvels of the chateau to the extent that my memory card got full and the camera died. I will post a couple of photos soon. We also took a few outfit pics since I never really highlighted my recent catch, a camel coat from H&M!

camel_coat_outfit_versaillesAs you might remember, I obsessed over it a while ago. And then a few days later I found one!

came_coat_shoes camel_coat_outfit

My favorite nikes and leather look coated jeans from when I worked at the HQ of Lindex. Me and my team fought a lot for them and the look (it was a very expensive coating solution) and they’re one of my favorites. Super comfy. I love matching camel with light blue. And the best bag I’ve ever had from & Other Stories, it can contain EVERYTHING. A camera, two wallets, a phone and loads of knickknacks. I will cry when it breaks.